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Green Plant


Marianne Williamson

"As we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

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Heather Rochelle Curtis, M.D.



Hello and welcome to I THRIVE!


My name is Heather Curtis and I am the creator of I THRIVE and the Kintsukuroi Project. In my professional life I function as a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of trauma. My work has been strongly influenced by my life's experiences, my travels, Eastern and Western traditions, and is rooted in the basis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).


As a psychiatrist I have been confronted many times by the false beliefs that survivors of trauma and illness often carry, the beliefs that no one will understand them or that they are alone in their suffering. I have been perhaps most inspired as I've watched these same individuals rewrite their narratives, identify their life's purpose, and step into the role as creator for the remainder of their life experiences.

I created I THRIVE and the Kintsukuroi Project to serve as an information portal providing survivors of trauma and illness information to aid in recovery and a platform for survivors to explore the story of who they are outside the label of survivor. It is my hope that by doing so this site will highlight the humanity of survivors and demonstrate to the world and other survivors that even alongside pain, life can still be beautiful. 


I admire your courage and the commitment you've taken to heal yourself and others. Thank you for being a part of I THRIVE and the Kintsukuroi Project. You are never alone.


In Loving Kindness, 


Serving Survivors of Sexual Violence, Mental Illness, & Trauma...

Dedicated to Truth, Peace, Inclusion, and the Healing of a Traumatized World. 

Image by Maria Orlova

This website makes no effort to support or advocate for any specific dogma, spiritual path, orientation, political or social agenda. We are not a source for legal advice.

The information shared on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice offered by healthcare professionals and physicians. If users have any personal questions regarding health, psychiatric, or psychological concerns, they are encouraged to contact a qualified health care provider for advice. All personal questions of the aforementioned nature posed to I THRIVE will be deferred.

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