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I THRIVE is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
The best way to collaborate is to give or to volunteer.
We are accepting donations and grants. We are open to collaborate with individuals and organizations that share our mission to support survivors of sexual violence, illness, and trauma.
For those interested in collaborations and volunteering with I THRIVE Incorporated, please contact us at:
...Check out some of our past and future collaborations, offerings, and learn a little bit more about I THRIVE's creator below...
Heather Curtis MD - Academic Bio
Community Outreach
This website makes no effort to support or advocate for any specific dogma, spiritual path, orientation, political or social agenda. We are not a source for legal advice.
The information shared on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice offered by healthcare professionals and physicians. If users have any personal questions regarding health, psychiatric, or psychological concerns, they are encouraged to contact a qualified health care provider for advice. All personal questions of the aforementioned nature posed to I THRIVE will be deferred.
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