Healing the Mind
While there is no quick fix in the arena of mental health, there exist a wide variety of interventions and therapeutic options that are available to suit the needs of the individual. There is no one size fits all, and survivors may find benefit from multiple interventions at various points of recovery.
For those survivors experiencing biologic symptoms of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or other pathology, medications may be helpful. Survivors are encouraged to seek medical advice from licensed health care professionals, primary care providers, or psychiatrists for evaluation to see if such interventions may assist in a given individual’s recovery.
We’ve included a list of therapies that may also prove useful for treatment and support of survivors of sexual violence, mental illness, and trauma. This list simply provides a sampling and is not representative of all available therapies or treatments. You may also wish to visit our 'Offerings' tab to explore a few of these therapies in greater depth. Please see a licensed health care professional for further information regarding available treatment options.
Therapies approved for Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT is a mindfulness based therapy which theorizes that by breaking free from the stories and limitations we've placed on ourselves, becoming present, and choosing in each moment to take committed action toward one's valued direction, we can be liberated from mental suffering.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT): CPT is a structured 12-session psychotherapy, which instructs clients to evaluate and modify distressing trauma related thoughts. By changing their thoughts, clients are able to change how they feel.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Clients enrolled in EMDR focus on an external stimulus, typically eye movement, while accessing emotionally distressing material in dosed, sequential fashion.
Exposure Therapy: Clients enrolled in exposure therapy clients are exposed to feared situations and memories in a safe environment. In doing so the client learns to overcome anxiety and distress associated with traumatic memories. Exposure therapy is shown to be especially helpful for clients experiencing nightmares and flashbacks.
Additional Therapies:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of structured talk therapy. It incorporates present oriented interventions aimed at teaching clients skills and problem solving techniques to address thinking errors and dysfunctional behaviors.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a mindfulness based cognitive behavioral therapy. It emphasizes psychosocial interventions and is the gold-standard treatment for patient with chronic suicidal ideation.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, aims to reveal unconscious processes manifested in the client’s present behaviors into the client’s conscious awareness. In doing so, clients are able to relieve mental tension.
Family Therapy: Family members of survivors of sexual violence often experience many of the same emotional distress as the primary survivor. Family therapy assists family members to resolve conflicts, support one another, and improve communication.
Group Therapy: Group therapy is a type of therapy in which a group of clients meet together to discuss their problems with therapist supervision. In doing so clients learn from each other’s experience and support one another in their healing journeys.
Art Therapy: Art therapy utilizes art under the supervision of an art therapist to explore feelings and improve mental and emotional well-being.