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...Virtual Meditation Sampler...


Meditation is good for the body, mind, soul. It has meany benefits to cognition, memory, and mental health. Meditations may be active or more typically, are stationary and frequently seated.


For seated meditations, many practitioners utilize a meditation cushion or pillow.

Some meditators prefer to sit upright in a chair or to utilize a meditation bench.

To begin, we've included a few videos demonstrating various styles of sitting that you may trial to determine what is best for you in your meditation practice below:


1) Zazen multi-style meditation seated position demonstration video links can be seen here and here.

2) A Yoga meditation multi-styles seated position demonstration for meditation video is linked here


Sitting for extended periods can be uncomfortable at times. You may also wish to explore a formal meditation cushion or bench. For now a pillow or mat will do. 


Once you've determined an appropriate seated postured for your body and practice, feel free to peruse on below and try out our sampling of various meditation styles and videos liked below. 


Jon Kabat-Zinn

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."

Sunset SUP Couple

...Virtual Meditation Sampler List...

Learn a little about various styles of meditation below and consider giving them a try:


**Remember to consult your provider prior to trialing any new therapy or treatment. Some techniques below may not be appropriate for all persons.

**If you find any of the our compiled resources useful in your healing, please be sure to thank, link, and subscribe to the channels and content creators whose original content is linked through our platform. We are so thankful for the work these creators have committed to create these free public offerings for the benefit of others. 

Dried Flowers

This website makes no effort to support or advocate for any specific dogma, spiritual path, orientation, political or social agenda. We are not a source for legal advice.

The information shared on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice offered by healthcare professionals and physicians. If users have any personal questions regarding health, psychiatric, or psychological concerns, they are encouraged to contact a qualified health care provider for advice. All personal questions of the aforementioned nature posed to I THRIVE will be deferred.

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