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The Kintsukuroi Project

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...Honoring Corporal Clyde Brown...


Corporal Clyde C. Brown is the great granduncle of I THRIVE creator Heather Curtis MD. Clyde is one of the '3 Lost Aviator's of Pearl Harbor.' He, along with his peers, Sergeant Henry C. Blackwell and Sergeant Warren D. Rasmussen, were the first confirmed casualties of the December 7, 1941 attack.

I THRIVE supports equal rights and believes that all survivors deserve to heal.


The metaphor of Kintsukuroi was mindfully chosen by I THRIVE's creator to serve as both a symbol of her appreciation of eastern wisdom traditions and their role in her healing as well as a symbol of her family's commitment to peace, truth, inclusion, and the healing of a traumatized world. 

Check out the photos below to learn a little more about Clyde and his service to the United States Air Force (USAF).

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Letters to Mother

A letter Clyde wrote to his mother nested behind a newspaper clipping announcing his passing Dec 7, 1941. While the paper clipping acknoweldges that Clyde had been raised in Long Beach, CA prior to traveling to Pearl Harbor to serve in the USAF, Clyde was actually born in Lorenzo, Idaho.

Air Force Buddies

Clyde (pictured top right) with his Air Force buddies on the Pearl Harbor Air Force base circa 1941. 

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Lives Lost

Cpl. Clyde Brown, "Brownie," (pictured left) and  his peers Sgt. Henry C. Blackwell, "Blackie," (pictured right) and Sgt. Warren D. Rasmussen were the first confirmed casualties of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. Clyde, Henry, and Warren were all members of the U.S. Air Force 251st Coast Artillery at Pearl Harbor. Clyde and Henry were described as friends "who always flew together."

A Mother's Final Letter

Copy of the letter sent to Mrs. Elsie Newton (mother of Corporal Clyde C. Brown) as written by Captain Colin R. Ogden announcing Clyde's passing at Pearl Harbor and the commitment of his peers to "carry the torch for Clyde to an ultimate victory."


And victorious the United States was when in 1945 the Axis forces surrendered to the Allies officially marking the end of WWII.

Though this marked the end of the war, it also changed world history.


The imprint of WWII is still felt across the world, for all Americans, for our Japanese brothers and sisters, and those in all nations today.

As we look back on history, in honor of Clyde and the family of I THRIVE's creator, we are reminded of the challenges and uncertainty of life as well as the human costs of war.

In these changing and uncertain times, I THRVE & The Kintsukuroi Project thank you for visiting our site. We hope it serves you and that the resources and offerings provided will assist you to stay present, take a deep breath, and choose peace.

We admire your courage and the commitment you've taken to heal yourself and others.

Thank you for being a part of I THRIVE and The Kintsukuroi Project

You Are Never Alone.​

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