Intro: Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation
There are tons of free resources, channels, apps, and links online for free yoga, breathwork, meditation, and other somatic and movement based interventions.
Check out a few free resource suggestions below to introduce yourself to the topics.
If you like what you see, be sure to check out our deep dive into each category and so much more with our 'Virtual Sampler' subcategories under the 'Offerings' tab at the top of the page.
**Please always remember to consult your provider prior to trialing any new therapy or treatment.
Some techniques on this site may not be appropriate for all persons.
Fit & Well's '10 Best Yoga Youtube Channels
Women's Health 13 Best Yoga Videos on Youtube video link
Self.com '17 Breathing Videos for When You Need a Minute.'
Othership.com '10 Best Holotropic Breathwork Apps + How to Practice at Home.'
Mindful.org 'Free Meditation Apps Worthy of Your Attention.'
ChoosingTherapy.com '21 Best Meditation YouTube Channels.'
**If you find any of the our compiled resources useful in your healing, please be sure to thank, link, and subscribe to the channels and content creators whose original content is linked through our platform. We are so thankful for the work these creators have committed to create these free public offerings for the benefit of others.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
– Aristotle