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Image by Johannes Kopf

...Patient Portal...

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Heather Curtis MD, Psychiatrist and creator of I THRIVE Inc

Dr. Curtis is hopeful to begin seeing a small panel of patients through this portal by 2025 pending funding, resources, and availability.
We continue to build our infrastructure. 
Check back soon.

Dr. Curtis'

HELLO! It's Heather Curtis MD. Throughout all of my travels, studies, advocacy, and outreach, my true calling has always been with my gift as a counselor, a communicator, and as a healer. I love what I do and feel it is a true privilege to be honored with the confidence's of my patients in my service to support them in their mental health journeys.

As a professional, my work has been strongly influenced by my life's experiences, my travels, Eastern and Western traditions, and is rooted in the basis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). As a prescriber I am evidence based, direct, and I avoid initiating prescriptions for controlled substances (benzodiazepine medications) or stimulants.

In residency training I pursued additional training and certification in Global Mental Health and traumatology with an emphasis on veteran trauma and sexual violence. I enjoy working with psychiatric patients from all walks of life suffering from a wide variety of pathologies, circumstances, and stressors.

I am pursuing additional training and mentorship in Integrated Medicine and have significant experience and training in complementary medicine practices including yoga, meditation, breathwork, and various somatic and altered-state therapies. In addition to psychiatric consultation and general medication management, I am available to provide individual therapy sessions and integration services to support the progress and well-being of my patients and clients.

Image by Gian Luca Pilia

Serving Survivors of Sexual Violence, Mental Illness, & Trauma...

Dedicated to Truth, Peace, Inclusion, and the Healing of a Traumatized World. 

Let's Connect...

I THRIVE Incorporated 501c3

Salt Lake City, UT

We are not currently accepting new patients....

Thanks for submitting!


This website makes no effort to support or advocate for any specific dogma, spiritual path, orientation, political or social agenda. We are not a source for legal advice.

The information shared on this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice offered by healthcare professionals and physicians. If users have any personal questions regarding health, psychiatric, or psychological concerns, they are encouraged to contact a qualified health care provider for advice. All personal questions of the aforementioned nature posed to I THRIVE will be deferred.

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